Pretty boring?

Rummaging through the Interwebs, I came across a Buzzr schedule thread on the game show board at Sitcoms Online.

One post in the thread caught my attention, because it was so heretical on an oldies board. Buzzr's reruns of Classic Concentration have garnered lots of happy happy joy joy on oldies boards throughout the net. The show hadn't surfaced in decades, so it developed a certain cachet as a hidden treasure. But this post on Sitcoms Online will have none of it...

To be perfectly honest, I kinda find Classic Concentration boring!!! As a kid seeing the old Concentration I thought that was pretty boring too! I never really watched it myself but back than without having lots of channels or several TV's like families do now, if someone else in my family was watching it well that was what was on!!

There are a few too many exclamation points, but you get the drift. To be honest, I always thought Concentration, in all its forms, was...oh, less than thrilling. No doubt it was a clever format, but it was also a little too quiet and cerebral for its own good. If you want to call that "boring," I won't object too much.

Classic Concentration continues to get prime real estate on Buzzr during the daytime hours most prized by direct response advertisers. But I wonder if even the diginet's oldies-loving audience might eventually find the show a little too slow and uninvolving.


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