So sweet

Sometimes you just gotta smile. Google News is full of items about a marriage proposal on Jeopardy. At least the proposal livened up the occasionally awkward contestant interviews.

Michael Pascuzzi came in second on the episode, but he did get a yes to the proposal from his girlfriend Maria Shafer. She even phrased it in the form of a question, which now clean-shaven host Alex Trebek no doubt appreciated. Even though Alex wanted to go to a commercial before her answer, just to build the suspense.

Speaking of clean shaves, Alex's facial hair went away at the command of his wife. So Mr. Pascuzzi will soon find out the realities of married existence. If the wife says away with the beard, it's away with the beard.

I didn't see this episode but tells me that Michael put up a good fight on the show but got nailed on an easy Final Jeopardy clue. (One poster on the thread is kind of grumpy about the marriage proposal, by the way.) All the contestants knew the answer, so Michael couldn't bet enough to overcome the leading contestant's edge. But he had already gotten a yes from his fiancé, so the day wasn't a complete wipeout.


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