Military wheel

I've bashed Game Show Garbage over the years for excessive negativity. Given the site's title, they have to be negative, but sometimes (or close to all the time) they go overboard on the grumpiness.

The site just posted one of the weirder gripes I've ever seen, though. Wheel [of Fortune] currently has some of the worst play happen during Armed Forces Week. Huh? I never noticed that the gameplay during Armed Forces Weeks is particularly better or worse than during Plain Old Civvies (in both senses) Weeks.

Sure, there are a few bloopers from Armed Forces Weeks endlessly rehashed on YouTube. (Game Show Garbage does some of the rehashing itself.) But there are a zillion civvie bloopers from WoF, too. Anyway, YouTube happens to offer a couple of Chuck Woolery eps from a 1978 Armed Forces Week. Readers can judge whether the gameplay is lame or not. The contestants perform just fine in my opinion, but I don't run a site that insists on game show garbage.

Too bad the video quality is beyond poor, as the fuzzy screenshot attests. But it's still fun to see the old, much slower format of Wheel. I think the current version is a great improvement. But any favoritism toward more recent times will bring yelps from the older-is-better types who predominate on the game show Interwebs.


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