
On a not very big news day for game shows, a flub on 100K Pyramid is getting some notice.

A poor civvie named Evan Kaufman briefly confused "Obama" with "Osama," a mistake that even professional news anchors have made. Much chortling ensued. I'm usually reluctant to make merry over such slips, because I don't even want to think how much I might screw up on a nationally televised game show.

Game Show Garbage has a category for stupid answers, which seems logical for the site. And the Interwebs in general have a good time with bloopers and blunders in our little genre. Such goofs tend to live forever on YouTube, so we can all feel superior to those silly contestants.

The good news is that the 100K Pyramid guy left with $8,500. Maybe not the biggest haul, but a decent consolation prize for the mistake.


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